Nepenthes Garden


A beautiful, generous friend recently reminded me how important it is to get paid for the work we do or service we provide. This website, and the ongoing support it involves, represents my life’s work and passion. And while I consider it a ministry of sorts and a labor of love, there are expenses involved […]

What’s New?

Follow-Up to Orijen Pet Foods Pt 2 “There is more to quality pet foods than quality ingredients” The above quote came from a grief-stricken pet owner in Australia whose cat began to exhibit symptoms of ataxia and paralysis after allegedly eating Champion Foods Orijen Cat Food in 2008. A bit of background is in order: […]

Products We Love!

In a world of mediocrity, I have to shout it from the rooftops when I actually find a product that does what it promises to do! These are all products I have personally used or administered. A few of these items are “affiliates,” meaning, I receive a small compensation to support this website whenever any […]

“What Your Cat Tells Me!”

“We used to be called ‘pet psychics;’ now we are known as animal communicators, interspecies communicators, or pet whisperers.” –Joan Ranquet, Animal Communicator and Healer  Introducing “Hurricane” Introducing a new animal to the resident cat in your household can take on epic consequences. Volumes have been written on this subject and for good reason. Do […]

Follow-Up to Orijen Pet Food Pt 2

Follow-Up to Orijen Pet Food Pt 2 “There is more to quality pet foods than quality ingredients” The above quote came from a grief-stricken pet owner in Australia whose cat began to exhibit symptoms of ataxia and paralysis after allegedly eating Champion Foods Orijen Cat Food in 2008. A bit of background is in order: […]

Follow-Up to “The End”

Follow-Up to “The End” and Corn-Based Cat Litter   While researching pet food last month I happened to come across an article about the dangers of using food-based cat litters made from corn, and by extension, walnut and wheat. Aflatoxin is a deadly mold that can be found in pet foods and pet litter containing […]

Origen: The Future of Pet Food? – Part 1

Origen: The Future of Pet Food? – Part 1   I have the empty pet food bags from Orijen’s dry cat food and dry dog food in front of me, and I am pleased by what I see. As someone who spent 14 years in sales & marketing for AT&T, I can attest to the […]

The End

The End (Excuse the Pun) I will get right to the point—in this case, “the end.” There are 3 common complaints any cat lady or cat daddy, not to mention their friends and family, have about cat litter: dust, tracking and the fragrance that wafts throughout the house and hits visitors in the nostrils sometimes […]

Lassie Come Home

We’ve all heard the stories. A cherished family pet is lost during a family vacation but miraculously finds its way back to its home after several months. A cat walks several miles to its former owner’s new home after being left behind with new owners. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey was loosely based on a […]

Pet Food: All That Glitters Isn’t Gold

Fish meal. Corn. Turkey meal. Cod head. By-products, of ANY kind. Dried beets. Salt. Sugar. Salmon meal. Soy. Propylene glycol. Gluten. Animal fat. Crap-in-a-can. Or a bag. These are some of the ingredients I saw listed on a popular can of dog food readily available at the local supermarket. My first reaction was, “Why would […]