Nepenthes Garden Pet Loss & Bereavement Support

The source of our greatest joy is also the source of our greatest pain.

This perfectly describes the relationship of anyone who has lost a beloved pet to disease, accident or old age. There is no amount of consoling that can fill the emptiness and sense of deep loss.

The bond between you and your beloved animal companion is so unique that a separate field of therapy and grief counseling has emerged. Our animals, especially the ones we cherish as members of our family, affect our lives in so many ways. They transcend the normal physical realms and reach deeply into the spiritual realms and into our souls. For those of us who are left behind, the grief process becomes a two-fold journey: a return to wholeness and a process of self-discovery.

In ancient times the nepenthe flower was used to treat extreme sadness and grief. If you have come to this site, you have probably come in search of answers, relief, support, or all of the above. It is the mission of this site to be a resource to anyone who is grieving the loss of a pet.

It is with humble appreciation and loving service that we walk this path of healing together.

Cheryl Cuttineau, Ed.D.

(The exquisite song above was written and performed by Emmy-winning Faith Rivera, one of this generation’s brightest lights. Ms. Rivera graciously granted permission to post “I Miss You I Bless You” on this website. Additional information about Miss Rivera, her music and concerts can be obtained from http://www.faithrivera.com )